Biodiversity News

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The celebration of the 10th anniversary of the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC)

The celebration of the 10th anniversary of the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC) this Tuesday, May 25, 2021, takes place at a time when the commemorative week of Biological Diversity is also celebrated, having been celebrated on May 22, the International Day for Biological Diversity was proclaimed by the United Nations, as well as the 50th anniversary of the Bazaruto Archipelago National Park.

Mozambican videos nominated at international festivals

Two promotional tourism videos in conservation areas are finalists at film festivals with tourism and cultural content taking place in India, Asia, and Turkey in Europe.

Director General of ANAC defends the involvement of communities in the management of natural resources

Partnerships between government authorities and local communities remain an unavoidable option for the conservation and management of natural resources and, if not taken seriously, rural development will always be doomed to failure. This position was defended by the Director General of the National Administration of Conservation Areas, Bartolomeu Soto, who spoke on one of the panels of the 5th ...

Poacher poisons 104 vultures in the Moamba District

At least 104 vultures of endangered species, of which 80 are white-footed (Gyps africanus) and 17 hooded (Necrosyrtes monachus), were deliberately poisoned last Saturday, February 24, in Mbashene, Moamba District , Maputo Province, by a 62-year-old citizen of Magude who is named after Nelson Palate Machel.

Since 17th of July a total of 1524 animals of different species have been relocated to Maputo Special Reserve (REM), namely 450 impalas, 281 zebras, 131 gnus (wildebeests), 50 kudos, 251 nyalas and 361 waterbucks.

The Government of Mozambique is preparing a Proposal for Regulation for Law nr. 5/2017 of May 17th, the Protection, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biologic Diversity.

Poachers convicted for illegal resource exploitation in Niassa National Reserve

A group of 10 individuals of Tanzanian nationality working in mining will be, within days, deported to their country of origin after being convicted by the District of Mecula Judicial Court, Province of Niassa, accused of committing crimes of exploration and exploitation of mining resources within the Niassa National Reserve.

Environmental Education Marks School Games

The biodiversity conservation theme will mark the XIII School Games Festival, which takes place between July 14th and 23rd, for the first time in the Province of Gaza, more specifically in the the cities of Xai-Xai and Macia.

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